Fractal Energy: Combining fractal dimension of fracture surfaces and Size Specific Energy to describe comminution
Grant Ballantyne Director of Technical Solutions, Ausenco This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*This paper was presented at MEi Communution 23 Conference held 17-20 April 2023 in Cape Town, So...
Dynamic Influences of Optimisation of Emissions
PJ Bangerter1 B.Min.Tech(Hons), FAusIMM and J Pan2 BSc, BCom1. Principal Consultant, Orchardman Pty Ltd, Forest Lake Qld 4078. Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Consultant, Whittle Consulting Pty Ltd, Surrey Hills Vic 3127. Email:Jason@whittleconsulting...
A HPGR pseudo-dynamic model approach integrated with real-time information for pressing iron ore concentrates in industrial-scale
T M Campos1, H A Petit2, R Olympio3 and L M Tavares4
1. Research assistant, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeir...
Mine-to-Mill optimisation at Mont Wright
J Hi/11, R Ouellet2, R Deslias3, I K Kapinga4, P O Devin5, H Achache6, W Valery7, R Hayashida8, T Farmer, B Bonfi/s10 and K Duffy11
Director Mining Services, ArcelorMittal Exploitation miniere Canada, Fermont (Quebec) GOG 1JO, Canada. Email: hill@...
Pumping sustainably - power and water consumption in mineral processing plants: someone should care
A Varghese1 4 S Martins2, E Lessing3, G M Hassan5 and A Karrech6
Business Development Manager - Pumps, Metso Outotec, Perth WA Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Research and Development Engineer,...
Towards waterless operations from mine to mill
Saija Luukkanena,•, Antti Tanhuaa, Zongxian Zhanga, Raul Mollehuara Canalesa, Ilpo Auranenb
a/University of Oulu, Faculty of Technology, Oulu Mining School, PO Box 3000, FI-90014, Finland
b /MA Engineering, Sinikalliontie 3B, 02630 Espoo, Finland
Helping to reduce mining industry carbon emissions: A step-by-step guide to sizing and selection of energy efficient high pressure grinding rolls circuits
Stephen Morrell SMC Testing Pty Ltd, Australia
Keywords: Comminution, Energy efficiency, Carbon emissions, High pressure grinding rolls
Commissioning a HydroFloat® in a Copper Concentrator Application
Arburo, Karina - Principal Process Development, Anglo AmericanZuniga, Jaime - Especialista Metalurgia, Anglo AmericanMcDonald, Adrian - Lead Processing Development, Anglo AmericanValdes, Felipe - Engineering Manager, Eriez Chile, Erie...
Pre-Concentration – More than Bulk Ore Sorting
L Pyle1, W Valery2, P Holtham3 and K Duffy4
1. Minerals Processing Engineer, Hatch, Brisbane, Qld, 4000. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Global Director–Consulting and Technology, Hatch, Brisbane, Qld, 4000. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3. Senio...
C. Gagnon1, A. Rosa1, S. Makni1, and *R. McIvor1B. Klein2, A. Kumar2, F. Wang2, D. Gong2, and C. Saud2
1COREM1180 rue de la MinéralogieQuebec City, Quebec, Canada G1N 1X7(*Corresponding author: rob@metcomtech.c...
Microwave Heating Behaviour of Ores and its Application to High-Power Microwave Assisted Comminution and Ore Sorting
J. Forster1, A. Olmsted2, X. Tian3, D. Boucher1, M. Goldbaum1, C. A. Pickles2, E. R. Bobicki4
1. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada2. Queen’s University, Kingston, ON,...
The thin line between accuracy and bias in characterisation of ore grindability
F Faramarzi1,4, R Morrison2 and T G Vizcarra3
1. Global Senior Mining Industry Consultant, Dassault Systemes, Brisbane Qld 4000. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Honorary Professor, JKMRC, The University of Queensla...
Strategic and tactical mine planning considering value chain performance for maximised profitability
R Smith1, F Faramarzi2 and C Poblete3
1. Global GEOVIA Services Director, Dassault Systèmes, Brisbane Qld 4000. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Global Senior Mining Industry Consultant, Dassau...
Innovations in Comminution
Greg Lane, Chief Technical Officer, Ausenco
Grant Ballantyne, Director Technical Solutions, Ausenco
Bianca Foggiatto, Director Comminution & Processing, Ausenco
Watch Full Webinar here
1. Why focus on comminu...
Sustainable Production of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (EMD)
Mbuyu Ntunka1,2 and Brian Loveday1
1Discipline of Chemical Engineering, Howard College Campus, University of KwaZuluNatal, Durban 4001, South Africa
2Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of The Built Environment, Durban Univers...
Exploring the Connection Between Elemental Sulphur and Sulphide Minerals During Stage A Conditions – Design of Experiments
H. Kim, O. Kökkılıç, F. Rosenblum, K.E. Waters*
Authors: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
* Corresponding author: Kristian.wate...
Recovery of oxalic acid from hydrochloric acid by solvent extraction
Reza Aref
Sami Virolainen2
LUT University, School of Engineering Science, Department of Separation Science, Yliopistonkatu 34, FI−53850 Lappeenranta, Finland
2 LUT University, School of Engineering Science, Department of Separa...
Application of soda sludge in the preparation of cement
1 clinker 2 Xianjun Lyu1*, Qiang Wang2, Qing Liu3, Xiao Liu4, Wentao Zhou5
1. College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, China. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; phone number: +86 13589...
Purification of K-feldspar leaching solution using anti-solvent crystallization
Sina Shakibania1, Lena Sundqvist-Öqvist1, Jan Rosenkranz1, Yousef Ghorbani2
1Division of Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of...
Effects of ultrasound on the electrochemical cementation of copper onto iron
Mohamed Aâtach1*, Miguel Antunes Simão1, and Stoyan Gaydardzhiev1 1 GeMMe – Minerals Engineering and Recycling, University of Liege, Allée de la Découverte 9, Sart-Tilman B52/3, 4000 Liege, Belgium ; mohamed.aatach@uliege....
Guidelines for Transporting and Stacking Dewatered Tailings
Author: Christopher S. Olsen FLSmidth Application Specialist in Mining Salt Lake City, Utah, USA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The handling and stacking of dewatered tailings can be handled with either ground haulage vehicles or with bel...
Solid-liquid separation in filter presses: A sustainable design and optimization of multi-scale processes through digitalization
Helene Katharina Baust, Bernd Fr¨ankle, Hermann Nirschl, Marco Gleiss
a Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechani...
Selective biosorption and recovery of scandium using the alga Fucus vesiculosus
Laura Castro1, Nelly Abrahamyan2, Arevik Vardanyan2, Felisa González1, Narine Vardanyan2, Jesús A. Muñoz1
1 Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
2 Departme...
Zeolite synthesis from Coal Fly Ash and its application to heavy metals remediation from water contaminated with Pb, Cu, Zn and Ni ions
Sofi Buzukashvilia, Roberto Sommervilleb, Weiqing Hua, Ozan Kökkılıça, Philippe Ouzilleaua, Neil A. Rowsonc , Kristian E. Watersa*
aDepartment of Mining and Mater...
Challenges of closing water loops at mineral processing sites
Paper Draft for Sustainable Minerals ‘23 Conference Falmouth, Cornwall, UK | June 7-9, 2023
Diana Kasymova 1,2,*, Eija Saari 1, Kari Heiskanen 1, Benjamin Musuku 2,3, Olli Dahl 2
1 Metso Outotec
2 Aalto University
3 Boliden Kevitsa...
Modelling High Pressure Dewatering Rolls for Mineral Tailings
Nilanka Ekanayakea,b,∗, Sajid Hassana,b, Peter Scalesa,b, Robin Batterhama,b and Anthony Sticklanda,b,∗∗
aThe Department of Chemical Engineering, Parkville, Melbourne, 2200, Australia
bARC Centre of Excellence on Eco-Efficient Be...
The role of Enhanced Desliming and Gravity Separation as a Precursor to Flotation in the Upgrading of Cassiterite from Tailings
*M.E. Amosah1, M. Yvon1, J. Zhou1, K.P. Galvin1
1ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 23...
Geochemical implication of cemented layers formation in inactive sulfidic tailings storage facilities
Abdellatif Elghali1*, Mostafa Benzaazoua1, Hassan Bouzahzah2, Heather E. Jamieson3, Manuel Munoz4, James J. Dynes5
1 Geology and Sustainable Mining Institute, Mohammed VI Polytechnic Universi...
Development of Production and Environmental Platforms for the European Aggregates and Minerals Industries
Gauti Asbjörnsson1*, Adam Sköld2, Sadeq Zougari3, Ann-Gaelle Yar3, Nemer Kamel3, Sophie TurlurChabanon3, Kanishk Bhadani1, Varun Gowda1, Christina Lee1, Erik Hulthén1 and Magnus Evertsson1
Decarbonising pathways for cement and concrete: Will innovation overcome industry resistance?
Jannie S.J. van Deventer Zeobond Pty Ltd Factory 10, 260 Wickham Road, Highett, Victoria 3190, Australia Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Extended Abstract:
Background: The global annual cement consumption in...
Secondary Materials in the European Aggregate Market – What is Feasible Now?
Lee, C.*, Dacklin, L., Asbjörnsson, G., Hulthén, E., & Evertsson, M.
*Chalmers University of Technology, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract: The take-make-waste linear economic model used across the globe for production is no...
Closing the Loop – Integrated Recycling
Aaron Taylor – Wardell Armstrong International
Closing the loop on critical materials will alleviate the huge vulnerability existing in our supply chain security. Circular economies must begin with sustainable production, followed by moving away from linear...
Comparative studies on the quality of recovered secondary graphites from the recycling of lithium-ion traction batteries
Jens Markowski1, Prof. Harvey Arellano-Garcia1, André Meissner2, Prof. Jörg Acker2,
1 Brandenburg University of Technology Department of Process- and Planttechnology Burger Chau...
A study on the effect of particle size on the recycling of Li-ion batteries via froth flotation and perspectives on selective flocculation
Tommi Rinne1, Mohazzam Saeed1, Rodrigo Serna Guerrero1,* 1 Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto Universit...
Enhancing nickel grade and recovery with counter-current washing of the concentrated bubbly-zone of a single stage REFLUX™ Flotation Cell
Peipei Wang, Meolla Yvon, Siân Parkes, Kevin P. Galvin
ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals, Newcastle Institute for En...
Comparison of chemical and biological methods with the effect of chloride on the recover of nickel and cobalt from nickel concentrate
Tiina Heikola1 *, Marja Salo1, Jarno Mäkinen1, Quentin Dehaine2, Martina Bertelli2, Pasi Heikkilä2, Päivi 2 Kinnunen1 3 1
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland L...
Novel agglomeration process for nickel beneficiation
1. PhD Student, ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals, Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Research Ass...
Evaluating battery minerals supply sustainability through production prediction in a move towards green energy transition
Anahita Jannesar Niria,* Steven E. Zhangb Gregory A. Poelzerc, , Jan Rosenkranzd, Maria Petterssone, Yousef Ghorbanig
a Department of Civil, Environmental, and Natural Resource...
Preliminary investigation into lithium extraction by phosphoric acid leaching of spodumene
Justin Paris, Shiva Mohammadi-Jam, Ronghao Li, Jingyi Liang, Hak Jun Oh, Ozan Kökkılıç, Sidney Omelon, Kristian E. Waters*
Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, 3610 Rue Universi...
Priscila M. Esteves1, Lutke von Ketelhodt 2, Lerato Kotelo2, Victoria Karem3
1 Steinert Latinoamericana, Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil
2 Steinert GmbH, Cologne, Germany
3 Steinert US, Cincinnati, United States
• Appl...
Lithium hydroxide for a circular economy
Peter Ehrena a
S Lithium Ark Holding B.V., Savelsbosch 4, Maastricht, 6228 SB, Netherlands
Although lithium is widely distributed on Earth, there are few commercial sources where lithium is found in concentrated values suitable for producing lit...
Assessing the feasibility of the Inflation Reduction Act’s EV critical mineral targets
Jenna N. Trost 1 & Jennifer B. Dunn 1,2
Electric vehicle batteries contain many internationally sourced critical minerals. Seeking a stable mineral supply, the US Inflation Reduction Act sets a market-va...
Towards an understanding of Voluntary Sustainability Initiatives in the extraction and processing of lithium-ion battery cathode precursor materials: Preliminary results
Bernardo Mendonca1 *, Stephen A. Northey1, Damien Giurco1 1
Institute for Sustainable Futures. University of Technology Sydney B...
Lithium and the Energy Transition: Cornish Lithium as a Case Study for Responsible Mineral Extraction
aCornish Lithium, Cornwall, UK
Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Keywords: lithium; lithium-ion batteries; sustainable mining; circular economy; energy transition.
Article by Eriez plublished in the Global Mining Review (March 2023) on water conservation and the role of coarse particle floation.
The full March edition of the Global Mining Review can be found here.
CEEC International has released its Annual Report for the 2021-22 financial year, which includes updates on CEEC’s activities and events from the year.
CEEC has finally released its Annual Report for the 2020-21 financial year, which includes a note from the Chair and CEO, information about CEEC, and events from the year.
Unfortunately this is much later than hoped, due to the operational and leadership changes announced a few months ago. It refle...
Bueno, Torvela, Chandramohan, Liedes, Powell, Chavez Matus,
Published in Minerals Enginering April 2021
The mining industry needs a low-cost and reliable breakage characterization test which can rapidly process a large number of samples for geometallurgical modelling. The more samples a...
Erol, Wettstein, Dance
Presented at Comminution '21 - April 2021
Over the past few years, Pinto Valley Mine of Capstone Copper has made steady improvements in mill throughput from a combination of blasting, crushing and grinding operational changes. Detailed data collection exercises (in...
Shelley, Davies, Olivier and Atta Danso
This paper reflects on how measurements from inside an operating SAG mill might be used to better understand throughput, mill wear and energy dissipation within the mill. The paper discusses how the measurements might influence and enhance approach...