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ABSTRACT Mill filling is an important operational parameter in a SAG mill circuit and by its control and optimisation it can produce significant improvements in production capacity and energy efficiency. However, it is industry practice to report mill load as the total output given by load cells, o...
ABSTRACT Over the 2012 to 2014 period, Anglo American Platinum (AAP) has been investigating the application of ore upgrading using XRF sensor technology sourced from Rados International, at Mintek South Africa. This has been in parallel with a more comprehensive sensor sorting investigation at th...
Abstract In the dry grinding industry the demand for very fine particle size distributions is increasing rapidly. At the same time a growing awareness for an economical management of our planet's resources has raised the demand for energy efficient processes. Roller mills in general and specific...
Abstract Liners in grinding mills not only protect the mill shell from the aggressive environment inside the mill, but they also play a significant role in the efficiency of grinding. The design of mill liners dictates the charge trajectory and hence the grinding efficiency. The common approach in...
Abstract SELFRAG AG has developed a flexible pilot scale Pre-Weakening Testing Station (PWTS) using high voltage pulses (HVP). This provides a unique opportunity to investigate the machine setting conditions on ore breakage behaviour. A joint campaign was undertaken by the Julius Kruttschnitt Miner...
Abstract This paper compares the performance associated with both direct and reverse ball mill closed circuit configurations. Survey campaigns were carried out in both Samarco Mineração industrial plants, i.e., Concentrator I and Concentrator II. The former is equipped with a reverse-configured b...
Abstract Declining ore grade, leading to increased material transport and plant throughout requirements, is one of the major challenges in the current mining environment. This is accompanied by rising energy and labour costs, decreasing plant productivity and the requirement for highest plant avail...
Abstract Reduction of energy consumption at Jhamarkotra Phosphate concentrator of M/s Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Ltd was achieved in three stages (1) stabilizing the through put as per the norms of the detailed feasibility report of the project to achieve energy consumption to 53 - 56 kWh...
Abstract The latest state of the art on Discrete Element Method (DEM) and the increased computational power are capable of incorporating and resolving complex physics in comminution devices such as tumbling mills. A full 3D simulation providing a comprehensive prediction of bulk particle dynamics i...
SAG 2015 A simple strategy is required for assessing the efficiency with which comminution circuits apply energy to achieve size reduction. A coherent methodology has been developed, based on well established theories, to graphically identify the opportunities for process improvement and the pote...
The recent IMARC conference included a session on productivity in mining, addressing energy, systems and labour themes. Speakers for the session included CEEC Director Dr Zeljka Pokrajcic, and Anita Stadler from the Australian Alliance to Save Energy. Dr Pokrajcic presented a brief profile of CEE...
ENHANCED OPEN GEAR LUBRICANTS PROVIDE TANGIBLE BENEFITS FOR HEAVY INDUSTRY – THEY ARE THE ‘CLEAR’ CHOICE FOR IMPROVED OPEN GEAR RELIABILITY ABSTRACT The maintenance of large open gear systems at mines, power or cement plants present a significant challenge due to the heavy loads and harsh enviro...
ABSTRACT The total comminution and processing of hard ores to concentrate consumes a large amount of electrical energy and is theatrically reviewed. In the past two decades, research and case studies have demonstrated a beneficial relationship between explosive consumption and the grindability of...
Abstract As high grade ore deposits are depleted, remaining deposits are generally lower grade and require the mining and processing of larger volumes of material per tonne of product. These low grade deposits often contain a large proportion of barren gangue. Pre-concentration aims to remove this...
Abstract More complex ore bodies with lowering grades increase the challenges of maintaining high throughput, energy efficiency and required particle size for optimal downstream processing in grinding circuits. Continuous and often rapidly changing characteristics of the mill feed requires consta...
ABSTRACT A process involving pre-concentration, drum agglomeration and column leach was evaluated for nickel laterite ores from Western Australia. The result showed that pre-concentration by selective comminution followed by size classification has a potential to upgrade nickel laterites and to i...
ABSTRACT Blasting plays a major role in the fragmentation of rock in open pit mining, which is then crushed and processed before the final product is obtained. Tailoring the blasting method to suit rock mass characteristics can lead to significant improvements downstream. Mine to Mill is a method...
ABSTRACT The ability to rank individual mines by comminution energy intensity in an international database was identified as a priority by the Coalition for Energy-Efficient Comminution in 2012 (Napier-Munn, Drinkwater, & Ballantyne, 2012). Providing a tool to compare the comminution energy int...
Abstract In addition to minerals displaying variations in grade within an ore body, blasted rock often concentrates particular minerals preferentially into finer size fractions. Grade engineering strategies seek to exploit intrinsic heterogeneity and grade variability to improve the viability of op...
ABSTRACT In non-ferrous metal mining operations, it is generally necessary to crush and grind the ore to a very fine particle size to effectively liberate the contained mineral from the host rock. Fragmentation by blasting is the first stage of this comminution process. Numerous studies and indepen...
ABSTRACT The stirred milling of nickel laterites offers possibilities for improving liberation and selective size reduction of soft nickel-bearing minerals in laterites. Batch grinding tests were performed in a netzsch™ lME4 stirred mill on siliceous goethitic, goethitic, and saprolitic nickel la...
Fine grinding, to P80 sizes as low as 7 lm, is becoming increasingly important as mines treat ores with smaller liberation sizes. This grinding is typically done using stirred mills such as the Isamill or Stirred Media Detritor. While fine grinding consumes less energy than primary grinding, it can s...
ABSTRACT To recover more valuable ore and considering the complexity of minerals, the need to grind finer is increasing. To reach the desired fine grinding targets using the existing grinding media size, the energy consumption is increasing exponentially. As already proved at this conference, sma...