From Quebec Mines 2013: guidance on innovation

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The premise: The mining industry must innovate if it is to meet the growing needs of the world. With an eye on international competition, all aspects of Québec’s mining cycle are affected, from exploration to mine site rehabilitation. In today’s open world, innovation is the product of research and development work conducted both here at home and abroad. Speakers will present different perspectives on the major trends in an ever-changing innovation system.

Extract from this session: ALAIN BEAUSÉJOUR (GROUPE MISA) of Groupe MISA presented: Support mechanisms for innovation, achievements to date, and outlook for the future.

When it comes to innovation, the mining crowd is already sold on the idea. The real question isn’t whether we should innovate, but how? For five years, Groupe MISA has been promoting mining innovation by drawing on best practices in innovation management. The MISA approach is squarely centered on business logic. Its road map already includes several note worth accomplishments. But we must do more! The pace must be accelerated if Quebec's mining sector is to make its mark as a world class centre of excellence.

Is the “MISA method” the answer to the questions of “how”? How can networking stimulate the culture of innovation? How does incorporating the value chain raise performance standards and spearhead innovative practices? How do we weigh the “risk” of innovation against operational risks? How can we combine innovation management with the many business components requiredd to launch Quebec's mining sector companies toward international markets.

View Beausejour's presentation ( in French)
