P Lind, K Murray, A Boylston, & I Arce
SAG Conference Vancouver, Canada September 22 – 26, 2019
Mineral processing consumes significant power, primarily in comminution, as well as significant amounts of water through hold-up in conventional tailings facilities. Reducing power and water consumption in comminution circuits can contribute to reduced operating costs and improved sustainability. Metso and Newmont Goldcorp have been working on alternative comminution circuits that are both energy-efficient and present the possibility for using less fresh water as compared to conventional comminution circuits.
Comminution testwork from a recent project was used to simulate circuits that consider the use of Metso’s HRC™ HPGRs in novel ways. Configurations evaluated for the HRC™ crushers include direct recycle, dry screening, dry open-circuit ball milling and air classification. Sensor-based sorting, dry grinding, and classification, along with coarse flotation, have the potential to reduce overall water consumption.
Specific energy and water consumption in the novel circuits are compared against a traditional SABC circuit.
Comminution, energy efficiency, water consumption, HPGR, stirred milling, ore sorting, dry processing
*Peter Lind1
Kevin Murray1
Alan Boylston2
Isaias Arce2
1 Newmont Goldcorp Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C2X82
2 Metso Minerals Industries Inc. York, PA, USA 17402 (*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
The authors would like to thank Scantech and Steinert for their contributions to the technical descriptions of their sorting technologies