Inductees to the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame announced

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For the first time, the global mining industry has a Hall of Fame ( focussed on recognising the technology innovators and developers that are so important to our future advancement. Members of the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame college of voters from around the world (mining company management, CEOs of engineering companies, mining professors, consultants) have deliberated and come up with their decisions. These are the first inductees and will be celebrated at the gala dinner, in association with Rio Tinto and Boart Longyear, in the Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City on February 22, 2014 – the night before the SME Annual Convention kicks off. Underlining Rio Tinto’s great interest in and support for advancing technologies across all sectors from exploration through metallurgy, John McGagh Head of Innovation, Technology and Innovation has indicated his attendance (to be confirmed) at the event helping International Mining's Editor, Paul Moore do the inductions and making a keynote presentation.

EXPLORATION: Ed Longyear was a great innovator and is nominated for his influence in contract diamond drilling, geological services and shaft sinking in the early 20th century

MINING SOFTWARE: Jeff Whittle, developer of Whittle software, pioneering strategic mine planning on computers

Commended: Fred Banfield who started Mintec from his Tucson apartment in 1970

UNDERGROUND DEVELOPMENT: Gustaf Anderson for the lightweight handheld drill, could be said to be the ‘father’ of modern development drilling

UNDERGROUND PRODUCTION: Don Maclean for block caving rigs – he spearheaded the development of drawpoint obstruction clearance machines, known as ‘blockhole jumbos’

Commended: Wilhelm Löbbe, who invented and developed the ‘fast plow’ or ‘Loebbe Plow’ which was introduced to the market in 1939

UNDERGROUND LOAD AND HAUL: Sandvik’s Automine team; Timo Soikkeli, Riku Pulli Brett Cook and Janne Kallio – for development of the automated loading and hauling system that has now been extended to drilling

Commended: Joe Joy who developed and patented the Joy Loader

UNDERGROUND SUPPORT: James Scott for inventing Split Set stabilisers, which are quick and simple to install and gained ready acceptance by miners throughout the world

SURFACE MINE PRODUCTION: Helmut Lerchs and Ingo Grossman, inducted for their pit limit algorithm, used by almost all when considering open pit developments

SURFACE MINE LOAD AND HAUL: Alonzo Pawling and Henry Harnishfeger, founders of P&H Mining (now part of Joy Global) which went on to become a global manufacturer of surface loading equipment

BULK HANDLING: De Witt Buchanan led the elimination of black powder from coal mining and pioneered the use of continuous miners and conveyors

The Redpath Mining SAFETY innovator: John Ryan and George Deike, whose work led to the end of open-flame lights thanks to the cap lamp and became the founders of Mine Safety Appliances (MSA)

COMMINUTION: Professor Alban Lynch for his research and education in comminution. He started in ball mill grinding at Broken Hill in 1955 at Zinc Corp (ZC) which was one of the forerunners of today’s Rio Tinto “ and comminution has been my main professional interest since then,” he says. CEEC are proud to have nominated Prof Lynch for this award. CEEC's Founding Chair Elizabeth Lewis-Gray will be attending the Awards dinner, along with Prof Mike Nelson (U Utah) who will accept the award on Prof Lynch's behalf and CEEC Advocate Laurie Reemeyer (AMEC) and others. 

CONCENTRATION: Graeme Jameson for his innovative flotation research and invention of the Jameson cell

Commended: Byron Knelson founder of what is today Knelson Concentrators, part of FLSmidth and widely recognised as a leader in gravity separation

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT & STEWARDSHIP, Terry Mudderfor his contributions to the field of cyanide management

OUSTANDING INNOVATOR, David George, Chief Advisor, Processing, Mineral Technology Services, Technology & Innovation, Rio Tinto for his development and implementation of double flash copper smelting

Commended: Nick Hazen is President and CEO of Hazen Research, a company that has grown to be the largest private metallurgical and processing R&D facility in the USA

Contact IM for details of event tickets or book online at

Please send nominations  to John Chadwick at International Mining for the 2015 Comminution  inductees over the coming months – closing September 15, 2014.

