Conference Papers

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Conference Papers

G R Ballantyne, M Hilden, K Bartram and V Souto 14thAusIMM Mill Operators’ Conference, 29-31 August 2018, Brisbane, Australia ABSTRACT Particle sorting allows partially liberated minerals to be separated prior to energy intensive fine grinding. Sensors select particles for separation a...
B Wong and T G Vizcarra 14thAusIMM Mill Operators’ Conference, 29-31 August 2018, Brisbane, Australia ABSTRACT Optimisation projects are regularly undertaken without knowing the root cause of an issue. It is all well and good to trial a multitude of flotation reagents, change the operating...
M SCOTTMine Excellence 2018 – 3rd International Seminar of Operational Excellence in Mining, 21-23 March 2018, Santiago, Chile Australia ABSTRACT The Australian mining industry currently consumes 28% more water, 21% more energy and generates 19% greater emissions to maintain the same level of prod...
Comminution Circuit Design Considerations G Lane (1), B Foggiatto (1), R Braun (1), M P Bueno (1), P Staples (2) and S Rivard (2) 49th Annual Canadian Minerals Processors Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 17-19 January 2017    ABSTRACT This paper demonstrates the selection of grinding circui...
The transition from semi-autogenous to autogenous milling at Waihi Gold C Haines and D Bertoldi AusIMM Mill Operators Conference 2016   ABSTRACT The Waihi Gold Mine (WGM) operated by OceanaGold New Zealand Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the OceanaGold Corporation of Australi...
Grinding circuit practices at Newmont A Giblett and S Hart AusIMM Mill Operators Conference 2016   ABSTRACT In 2015 operations under the ownership and/or management of all Newmont Mining Corporation subsidiaries (Newmont) produced 5.7 Moz of gold and 619 Mlb of copper from mining opera...
G Harbort and D Zoetbrood ABSTRACT The Phu Kham copper-gold operation in the Laos People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) is owned and operated by Phu Bia Mining Limited. PanAust Limited holds a 90 per cent interest in Phu Bia Mining Limited, with the remaining ten per cent held by the Laos PDR Gov...
Abstract The Dumont deposit is a large (1,179 Mt proven and probable reserve) low grade (0.27% nickel) nickel sulphide project located in the Abitibi region 25 km west of Amos, Quebec. Royal Nickel Corporation acquired the project in 2007 and has since taken the project from a scoping study in 20...
Abstract AngloGold Ashanti was an early adopter of High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR) technology at both Tropicana Mine and the Gramalote Project. The increased energy efficiency achieved by HPGRs through confined bed breakage has been extensively researched in small scale tests, but slow industry...
ENHANCED OPEN GEAR LUBRICANTS PROVIDE TANGIBLE BENEFITS FOR HEAVY INDUSTRY – THEY ARE THE ‘CLEAR’ CHOICE FOR IMPROVED OPEN GEAR RELIABILITY ABSTRACT The maintenance of large open gear systems at mines, power or cement plants present a significant challenge due to the heavy loads and harsh enviro...
Abstract As high grade ore deposits are depleted, remaining deposits are generally lower grade and require the mining and processing of larger volumes of material per tonne of product. These low grade deposits often contain a large proportion of barren gangue. Pre-concentration aims to remove this...
Abstract More complex ore bodies with lowering grades increase the challenges of maintaining high throughput, energy efficiency and required particle size for optimal downstream processing in grinding circuits. Continuous and often rapidly changing characteristics of the mill feed requires consta...
New Gold Inc.’s New Afton concentrator commenced operation in June 2012, producing a copper-gold-silver concentrate. During the first two years of operation, various optimization efforts have improved mill throughput, recoveries and concentrate grade. Daily mill throughput has increased 20% above th...
Edge effect is the widely observed condition of impaired comminution performance at the edges of High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR) tires. This effect is caused by a reduction in the local crushing pressure at the edges of the tires resulting from the interaction between the static cheek plates and...
High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) technology is the continuous version of the confined particle-bed breakage. Feed size distribution has a key role in total specific energy consumption and product size reduction. Fines in the HPGR feed are defined as relatively small particles that should not unde...
Achieving resource efficient production throughout the metal value is an imperative for society. This paper will discuss resource efficiency in a system integrated manner. It will highlight the role technology and its innovation as well as system optimization and its innovation as key drivers. Integ...
Developments in ore sorting technologies have provided the ability to achieve economic dry pre-concentration of ores prior to a grinding/concentration circuit and, in some cases, produce a high grade concentrate of sufficient quality for end use. The use of dual X-ray transmission (XRT) sorting has...
Traditional motors for milling technology has relied on either Wound Rotor Induction, Low Speed Synchronous Motors, or Asynchronous Induction Motors with mechanical gear reducers. A new alternative is now offered: The Low Speed Asynchronous Motor. This alternative provides the benefit of reduced com...
It has been widely accepted to go for grate discharge ball milling when a coarse product is preferred or to avoid production of extreme fines, but overflow discharge mills are preferred for their simplicity of design and production of finer product. In grate discharge mills the product is discharged...
Lake Shore Gold is engaged in commercial gold production at both the Timmins West and Bell Creek mines, located in Timmins, Ontario. Run of mine ore is processed at the Bell Creek mill which consists of a conventional gold mill flow sheet involving crushing, grinding, gravity concentration and carbo...