Best Practice and Benchmarking for eco-efficient comminution

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The key themes for the 2014 Workshop were best practice and benchmarking. The workshop took place in Vancouver over a 2-day period. Each day included keynote speakers who set the scene for the participants prior to break our sessions for discussion. Keynote speaker topics included, but were not limited to industry drivers for change to best practice, energy efficiency opportunities, innovation in the mining industry and best practice case studies.

Participants were divided into four groups for workshop discussions, to impart their experience and knowledge. The four groups reported their conclusions and recommendations to the 2014 CEEC Workshop participants to promote further discussions.

The outcome of the 2014 CEEC Workshop is cross-industry agreement to

1. Populate energy curves for gold, copper, platinum, nickel and more by October 2015.

2. Adopt the guidelines of the Industrial Comminution Standards Working Group within the Global Mining Standards Group: metrics and methodologies for benchmarking of industrial comminution efficiency within the hard rock mining sector.

NB: This report will benefit from being read in association with the CEEC Roadmap for Energy-Efficient Comminution which was developed at the 2012 Workshop.

CEEC 2014 Best Practice and Benchmarking Workshop report
