2012 CEEC JKTech Workshop
Workshop targets a paradigm shift in Comminution practices
CEEC International, in conjunction with JKTech Ltd, has drawn an “A” list of industry, supply and research practitioners to workshop and develop roadmaps to achieve a paradigm shift in the practice of mineral crushing and grinding (comminution).
The by-invitation-only event will feature key note presentations from Dr Geoff Garratt, Queensland’s Chief Scientist along with a number of senior mining industry professionals. Industry practitioners are travelling to the event from around the globe from mining companies including Gold Fields, Newmont, Newcrest, Barrick, BHP Billiton, AngloGold Ashanti, and MMG. Leading supply companies such as Outotec, Metso, Ausenco, Gekko Systems, Xstrata Technology, Whittle Consulting and FLSmidth will be in attendance as well as global researchers from Utah, JKMRC, AMIRA and the Sustainable Minerals Institute at the University of Queensland.
CEEC Director and Workshop organiser Prof Tim Napier-Munn commented “Comminution is widely recognised as one of the highest energy consumers in mineral processing. Industrial practitioners and the R&D community have done much good work to address the challenge of energy use in comminution in recent years. However paradigm change remains elusive, and much of what is already known is not being broadly or effectively applied. To address this dilemma CEEC International Ltd and JKTech Pty Ltd have teamed together to facilitate the inaugural CEEC Workshop in Energy Efficient Comminution.”
Senior mining company staff will collaborate with equipment suppliers, service providers and researchers in this unique forum to generate a plan for the implementation of more eco-efficient comminution practices across the industry.
“It is exciting to engage senior and influential industry members in developing a coordinated approach to improve energy efficiency in comminution” commented CEEC International Ltd Chair Elizabeth Lewis-Gray. The event will be held in Noosa in June. “Outcomes from this Workshop will be shared through publications and presentations in industry journals and at global conferences such as IMPC and Enermin 2012.” Participants in the Workshop will come from across the globe: all continents will be represented.
Download key presentations:
Mr Chris George, Global Manager Resource Metallurgy
Workshop presentationCGBHPB
Dr Noko Phala, Principle Metallurgist for Research and Development,
AngloGold Ashanti -
CEEC Workshop presentation:Noko Phala Anglo American (1.42 MB)
Mr Greg Lane, General Manager, Technical Solutions, Minerals and Metals,
Ausenco Ltd. -
CEEC 2012 Greg-Lane
Prof Malcolm Powell, Chair in Sustainable Comminution,
What does a Prof of Comminution lie awake thinking about? (2.19 MB)
Prof Mike Nelson, Mining Engineering Department Chair,
University of Utah -
Tales from Four Mills (2.16 MB)
Prof Tim Napier-Munn,
CEEC Director -
TNapier-MunnCEECworkshop presentation2012
Dr Tim Kastelle, Senior Lecturer in Innovation Mgmt,
University of Queensland, Business School -
CEEC Workshop presentation: Tim Kastelle UQ (6.63 MB)