Applications for the prestigious 2019 CEEC Medal are now open and CEEC invites you to showcase your work or to nominate an outstanding published article or case study you have seen. This award celebrates the most outstanding published paper, article or case study that profiles improvements in energy-efficient comminution practice. Medals can be awarded to authors in two categories:
- Operations
- Technical research
CEEC CEO Alison Keogh said CEEC welcomed a wide range of applications that demonstrated improvement or innovation advances in the energy efficiency of comminution and mineral processing.
“CEEC is proud to share leading advances and successful operational approaches to help global mining companies find the best solutions for their operations. Smart crushing, grinding and complementary technologies can improve costs, reduce footprint, reduce energy intensity and enhance productivity,” she said.
CEEC Medal Evaluation Committee Chair Dr Zeljka Pokrajcic said the CEEC Medal was intended to bring attention to ‘best-in-class’ research or documentation in the field of energy-efficient comminution.
“The area of comminution (crushing and grinding ore) provides significant opportunities for improved profit and energy efficiency gains in the mining industry,” she said.
Key evaluation criteria
- The potential improvement in comminution energy efficiency and the financial benefits resulting from that improvement.
- The ability of the concepts outlined in the paper, article or case study to be readily adapted to an operating plant or into the design of new circuits.
- The robustness of the data analysis and conclusions drawn.
- The extent to which the paper, article or case study communicates its ideas clearly and effectively.
Submissions must be of a standard suitable for technical review, and must have been written and/or presented within the past 18 months
Submission process
You can nominate your own work or the work of others. To apply, click This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to send through the following application details before 15 March 2019.
- CEEC Medal application form – provides information about author/s and the submitted work (download here)
- A copy of the published paper, article or case study
- An abstract of the published work (maximum one page).
Further information is available here.
If you have any questions about the applying for the 2019 CEEC Medal, please contact the CEEC CEO via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The CEEC Medal has been awarded since 2012, and celebrates outstanding research or operational improvements from around the world. Past CEEC Medal winners have shared how they’ve applied site improvements or developed exciting new technologies. This includes grinding efficiency approaches in different settings, mine-to-mill gains, innovations in comminution approaches, blasting impacts, testing advances, transfer of technologies from one commodity into a different commodity, and smart changes to circuits.
A summary of past CEEC Medal winners highlights the wide-ranging themes awarded this prestigious global aware since 2012. More details of each win can be found on CEEC’s website here.
- 2012 Antamina mine and Metso team – Mine-to-mill productivity
- 2013 Huckleberry mine team – Circuit changes, energy and value
- 2014 Orica team – High-intensity blasting
- 2015 Gekko team – HPGR pre-concentration
- 2016 Operations Medal – McArthur Zinc operations team – Heavy medium pre-concentration
- 2016 Research Medal – UBC team – HGPR operation optimal energy piston press test
- 2017 Operations Medal – Newmont team – Global sites grinding improvements
- 2017 Research Medal – JKMRC team – High voltage pulse technology
- 2018 Karara and Nippon Eirich – TowerMills and circuit changes