Benchmarking the energy consumption of Canadian underground bulk mines

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On behalf of the Mining Industry’s Task Force of the Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC), the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) retained the Competitive Analysis Centre Inc. to work with mining companies to establish energy benchmarks for underground bulk mining. Companies participating in this project paid for the on-site services of the consultancy and have received individualized reports on the findings. CIPEC consists of 26 task forces, representing the various industrial sectors in Canada. It is a partnership of industrial associations and the Government of Canada, represented by Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency. The Mining Task Force comprises members of MAC’s Energy Committee. The CIPEC Task Forces act as focal points for identifying energy efficiency potential and improvement opportunities, establishing sector energy efficiency targets, reviewing and addressing barriers, and developing and implementing strategies to meet the targets.This publication is one of a series of MAC publications demonstrating the mining industry’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions – a commitment essential to our common well-being. Among our members, good energy practices are simply accepted asbeing good business practice.

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Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation

c/o Natural Resources Canada

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Mining Association of Canada

350 Sparks St., Suite 1105

Ottawa ON K1R 7S8

Tel: (613) 233-9391

Fax: (613) 233-8897

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