Autogeneous Mill Feed Preparation to Reduce Unit Energy Consumption

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SAG 2011

The through-put and energy efficiency of an autogenous (AG) grinding mill are adversely affected by variability in rock size and rock competency. This applies to both fully autogenous and semi-autogenous (SAG) grinding circuits.

In this paper we focus on an approach to overcome the problem of inconsistent mill through-put related to variability in mill feed size and rock competency. The focus is on ores containing hard, competent rock. This approach consists of preparing feed to an autogenous mill that contains 20% coarse media rock and 80% of material crushed to pass 37 mm. Results of pilot-scale testing for two iron-ores will be presented to show that a 10% to 12% reduction in unit energy consumption is possible with prepared feed, compared with feeding the mill with conventional primary crusher discharge.

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