PETRA Data Science’s MD Penny Stewart (Left) with CEEC CEO Alison Keogh and Unearthed Brisbane winner and PETRA Data Science’s Arun Pillal (seated). (Photo courtesy PETRA Data Science).
CEEC is delighted to announce that PETRA Data Science has joined our valued sponsors. PETRA Data Science is the first CEEC sponsor that operates primarily within the fields of data science and artificial intelligence machine learning. Data science is a disruptive technology rapidly being deployed by miners to boost productivity and improve energy efficiency.
PETRA Data Science Principal and Managing Director, Penny Stewart, said her team was excited to join CEEC in helping to drive efficiency improvements across the mining industry.
“We are aligned with CEEC’s mission of joining together and sharing learnings for the good of the industry,” she said.
PETRA Data Science combines the power of data science with engineering expertise to turn resource industry data into real-time predictions and optimisations. PETRA enables its numerous mining clients to achieve improvements in energy efficiency and productivity by harnessing the power of big data in machine learning and optimisation.
Dr Stewart said her team had a strong science and engineering background, primarily mining engineering, mining geology, minerals processing and hydrogeology, but it also had expertise in mathematics, physics and data science.
“We use our engineering knowledge to derive engineering parameters from the raw data. Engineered data signals are typically 10% to 15% more reliable at detecting events such as downtime incidents, compared with raw data signals,” she said.
CEEC CEO Alison Keogh said PETRA Data Science’s sponsorship is a welcome contribution and the company brings enhanced options to accelerate energy efficiency and productivity in the mining sector.
“This sponsorship supports CEEC and helps boost understanding of improvement options through transformative data analytics and new artificial intelligence tools. We appreciate the confidence PETRA has shown in CEEC through this important sponsorship,” she said.
Alison said without the valuable support of its sponsors, CEEC would be unable to deliver its global workshops on energy-efficient comminution and continue to freely provide the tools that mining and METS companies are using to benchmark and track productivity and energy efficiency improvements. New funding enables CEEC’s continued free service and tools, and will help CEEC develop new initiatives to accelerate mining comminution and processing efficiency improvements globally.
More about PETRA Data Science here.