Online – IntegratedMinPro ’22

MEI’s Integration, Optimisation & Design of Mineral Processing Circuits (IntegratedMinPro ’22) conference will take place online on 13th-15th June 2022. CEEC is a proud Industry Advocate of this event.

The organizers noted that as the demand for resources continues to increase, and amidst growing challenges of processing complex ores while minimising energy and environmental impact, we are entering an exciting time for innovation in mineral processing. They added: “Innovation in individual unit operations is complemented by innovative approaches to the entire mineral processing flowsheet, from rearrangement of an existing circuit to a new approach for a greenfield development.”

This exciting new conference will cover:

  • Optimization and integration across different unit operations;
  • The integration of new equipment into existing flowsheets;
  • Circuit layout design; modelling and optimization; and
  • Equipment selection methods.

Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, co-founder, Chair and Managing Director of Gekko Systems and founding Chair and Patron of CEEC, will deliver a keynote on the topic 'The critical need for accelerating innovation in the mining sector'. More details about the program are available here.

Presentations will be recorded and available to delegates for a minimum of six months after the event. Delegates can register for the conference here. You can also follow the online coverage of the event under the hashtag #IntegratedMinPro22 on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.