Global Online Event from the UK – Register now for MEI’s Comminution ‘21 Conference 19-22 April 2021

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Tuesday, March 30, 2021


One of the minerals industry’s premier conferences – Comminution ’21 – is set to bring together industry’s leading comminution specialists, practitioners and researchers online in April. This highly regarded MEI event profiles leading edge research and innovation in crushing, grinding and ultrafine grinding. Don’t miss out on this excellent industry event uniquely focused on comminution.

The line up of papers and speakers looks exciting. Terrific content to be presented, involvement by industry experts, mining companies and a good range of comminution approaches, testing methods and new advances.

A truly international line-up, with presentations and papers from Australia, Canada, South Africa, Germany, UK, Namibia, Sweden, Belgium, USA, Denmark, Finland, Chile, Brazil, Zambia, France, Ethiopia, Japan, Kazakhstan and more.

Join us! CEEC representatives and sponsors are keen to hear your insights, so make a point of introducing yourself or reconnecting with us:

  • 3 Keynotes: CEEC Director Chris Rule, Paul Cleary and John Starkey
  • Sessions on: Energy and Breakage, Stirred Mills, HPGR, SAG Mills, Mills and Circuits, Control and Instrumentation, Modelling and Simulation
  • CEEC Directors and virtual booth: Chris Rule, Mike Battersby, Nick Wilshaw and CEEC’s CEO Alison Keogh
  • CEEC sponsors presenting and attending include: Anglo American, Ausenco, FLSmidth, Glencore Technology, Hudbay Minerals, Magotteaux, ME Elecmetal, Molycop, Newcrest, Swiss Tower Mills and Weir Minerals

Conference details: 19-22 April 2021

Hear from over 50 leading organizations presenting their latest work: Anglo American, Hudbay Minerals Inc, Newcrest, Molycop Global, Westgold Resources, First Quantum Minerals, AngloGold Ashanti, Geuta Gold Mine Tanzania, ME Elecmetal, Ausenco, Magotteaux, Metso Outotec, FLSmidth, Swiss Tower Mills, Nippon Eirich, Anglo American Platinum, Weir Minerals, Reloe Media, QKR Navachab Mine, Maelgwyn Mineral Services, Manta Controls, Seymet, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Wünschendorfer Dolomitwerk GmbH, Capstone Pinto Valley, Altair Engineering, Stone Three, CiDRA Minerals Processing, Felix Project Management and Consulting, CSIRO, VTT Materials and Manufacturing, Comminution and Transportation Tech, Mine to Port Consulting Chile, ESSS USA, Starkey & Associates, CMD Consulting, JTG Consulting, Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, Comminution & Transportation Tech, SMC Testing, Bradken South Africa, Rational Support Methodologies, Sacre-Davey Engineering, Mintek South Africa, JCS Consultores Metalúrgicos Chile, Keramos, Russell Mineral Equipment, SRK Consulting, Kalala Technology, Geological Survey of Ethiopia, Geological Survey of Finland, and CMIC.

20 global universities and research institutes presenting their innovative advances: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Namibia University of Science & Technology, University of Queensland, University of Toronto, University of Oulu, University of South Australia, University of Adelaide, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Cape Town, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, JKMRC, University of Liège, University of Boras, University of the Witwatersrand, University of KwaZulu-Natal, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, University of British Columbia, Curtin University, University of Alberta, Saint Gobain Research Provence, University of Pretoria, Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology.