Global from Australia – CEEC celebrates 10 years of collaboration for more eco-efficient minerals across mining

CEEC is proud to celebrate our 10-year anniversary, an exciting milestone marking a sustained collaboration across industry to accelerate eco-efficient minerals.

The milestone was recently announced at two international events – the AusIMM’s Mill Operators hybrid conference in Brisbane, Australia, and Minerals Engineering International’s Sustainable Minerals online conference.

Speaking at the Mill Operators conference, CEEC CEO Alison Keogh said: “A decade ago, a small group of innovative leaders saw a problem, and they came together to form the vision for CEEC. They found that comminution alone consumes up to 3% of the world’s electrical energy, and invited leaders to the table to tackle this challenge together.

“A new movement began with passionate supporters, sponsors and contributors from all around the world. A CEEC Industry Roadmap was formed to raise awareness on priority best practice and innovation.”

She noted that since forming in 2011, CEEC has grown and driven a collective effort on a clear goal – helping industry to communicate, collaborate and celebrate eco-efficient minerals, focused around comminution, to accelerate change.

Ms Keogh added: “A huge thanks to our visionary sponsors and volunteers, our tireless directors, patrons and advocates – CEEC is almost entirely voluntary – but also to so many of you for your tremendous contributions. The CEEC movement is a true global collaboration we can all be proud of, with a unique focus, because we know comminution and processing are key to solving these shared industry challenges. Let’s work together to grow our impact to lead change, and deliver eco-efficient minerals for the future.”

Visionary industry leaders applauded CEEC’s role, and some senior leaders and founding Directors shared their insights on CEEC’s achievements and future industry opportunities. Watch CEEC’s 10 Year Video here. See the media announcement here and social media posts on LinkedIn here.