Australia - Adelaide MetFest! 2022

The AusIMM Metallurgical Society and Adelaide Branch are pleased to announce they are holding a MetFest! in Adelaide in May 2022, with the support of OZ Minerals.

The MetFest! concept is an informal, one-day conference where Metallurgists from local operations can come together to share their experiences and network with their peers. Successful MetFests have been held in recent years in Orange, Kalgoorlie, Perth and Brisbane.

So far, the organizers have experienced strong interest and support from the South Australian metallurgy community and expect a full day of presentations from the operating sites around South Australia and Broken Hill.

The event will take place on 5th May 2022 at the OZ Minerals office in Adelaide, Australia. Registrations will open in early 2022.

For any further information, or to register your interest as an attendee, presenter or sponsor, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.